Nisomar Ventures Ltd

We enable calmer operations

API services

Port Status
Current port status

Our port status API returns information about vessels heading to a port, at the approaches or in a facility. The API returns the following:

  • Vessels arriving at the port
  • Vessels at the approaches
  • Vessels in the port
  • Vessels in a facility
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Port Congestion
Current port congestion

Our port congestion api returns a list of facilities and their congestion stats for a given port.The API returns the following:

  • Turnaround hrs recent
  • Average turnaround hrs
  • Status ( congested, normal )
  • Score
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Voyage forecast
Upcoming voyage information

Our voyage forecast API returns information about the upcoming voyages. The API returns the following:

  • Forecast ETA ( local time )
  • Route expected to sail ( lats, lngs )
  • Distance in nm
  • Completed track ( lats, lngs )
  • Facilities predicted to call at
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Route API Demo

Our Routes API will predict the distance a vessel is likely to travel on a voyage between two ports. The API will also return the following information:
  • Eca distance the vessel is predicted to travel in nautical miles
  • Loadline zones the vessel is predicted to cross
Why not try out the API now?

Port Congestion API Demo

The following ports are available for you to sample.

Select your ship type

Min Dwt: 10000
Max Dwt: 400000